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BTEC Tech Award in Sport, Activity and Fitness: Student Book, Edition 2019 (PDF)

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About the book:

Publisher: Oxford University Press
Author (s): by Ben Hayward, Michael Knight
Pages: 172
Edition: 2019
Language: English
Size: 94 Mb


Component 1: Understand the body and the supporting technology for sport and activity 5
Learning aim A: Investigate the impact of sport and activity on the body systems
4.1.A1:The body systems 6
4.1.A2:The physiological impact of engagement in sport and activity on the body systems 14
Practice for Component 1, Learning aim A assignment 19
Learning aim B: Explore common injuries in sport and activity and methods of rehabilitation
4.1.B1: Common sporting injuries 22
4.1.B2: Causes of common sporting injuries 26
4.1.B3:Management and rehabilitation of common sporting injuries 30
4 Practice for Component 1, Learning aim B assignment 36
Learning aim C: Understand the use of technology for sport and activity
4.1.C: Technology in sport and physical activity, and its benefits and limitations 39
4 Practice for Component 1, Learning aim C assignment 47
Component 2: The principles of training, nutrition, and psychology for sport and activity 50
Learning aim A: Training to improve fitness for sport and activity
4.2.A1:Interpreting fitness data in relation to sport and activity 51
4.2.A2:Methods of training for sport and activity 60
4.2.A3: The FITT principles and principles of training 70
4.2.A4: Understanding fitness programmes 80
Learning aim B: Nutrition for sport and activity
4.2.B1:Macro nutrients 83
4.2.B2: Micro nutrients 85
4 2.B3: Hydration 87
4.2.B4:Improving nutrition for sport and activity 88
Learning aim C:The psychological influence that motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety haveon participation in sport and activity
4.2.C1:The impact of motivation on participation in sport and activity 94
4.2.C2:The impact self-confidence can have on participation in sport and activity 96
4.2.C3:The impact of anxiety on participation in sport and activity 98
4 Practice for Component 2 assessment 100
Component 3: Applying the principles of sport and activity 105
Learning aim A: Understand the fundamentals of sport and activity leadership
4.3.A1:The attributes of a leader 106
4.3.A2:The benefits of participation in sport and activity sessions 114
4 Practice for Component 3, Learning aim A assignment 119
Learning aim B: Planning sessions for target groups
4.3.Bl: Target groups 122
4.3.B2:Types of sessions 132
4.3.B3: Session plan 134
4 Practice for Component 3, Learning aim B assignment 145
Learning aim C: Delivering and reviewing sessions for target groups
4.3.C1:Methods of delivery/success 150
4.3.C2:Methods of reviewing 152
4 Practice for Component 3, Learning aim C assignment 156
Glossary 160
Index 164
Acknowledgements 168

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